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AliviGel - Compression Cap for Headaches and Migraines

(Cód. Item 33083922) | Disponível em estoque.

Color: Black
R$ 178,60

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Revolutionary Cap to Combat Headaches and Migraines
Alivigel is a unique product that can help relieve headaches and migraines. It can also help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep.
Try the AliviGel cap today and feel the results right away!

Why choose AliviGel?

AliviGel can be used hot or cold, making it a versatile tool for managing headaches and migraines. Reduces headaches and migraines, relieves stress, promotes relaxation and improves sleep.

Cold Therapy

Cold constricts blood vessels and reduces neurotransmission of pain to the brain

Hot Therapy

Heat increases blood flow, relaxes tense muscles, increases oxygen,
proteins and other nutrients for the area of ​​pain

Other benefits noted by Doctors and Scientists

Get rid of medicines: excessive use of medicines can cause more frequent headaches or worsen existing symptoms;

Keep your body healthy: Studies have shown that natural pain relief treatments can improve everything from vascular function to mental health;

How to use the AliviGel cap?

AliviGel is exclusive to us!

Discover the pleasure of living with a better quality of life and free from pain
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