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Mini Food Crusher - Electric Cutter

(Cód. Item 33083877) | Disponível em estoque.

Voltage: 110V
R$ 181,90

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Mini Food Crusher - Electric Cutter

Imagine being able to taste true pleasures and live a unique taste experience of food, cereals and coffee with freshly ground beans. This is all possible and directly to your home in an easy way It is quickly.

With the Mini Food Cutter - Electric Cutter of food you can enjoy a healthy and efficient diet, grind your food baby or for lovers of good coffee, make your favorite fresh coffee, in addition to being able to create your own blends by choosing grains of different types and origins.

It has never been easier to grind food to make that healthy recipe.
The Mini Food Crusher - Electric Cutter is the only grinder that turns everything into powder in just 10 seconds , so you can eat healthier, without giving up practicality and flavor.

Discover the Original Food Grinder , a new experience for a new way of cooking! Even faster, more versatile and compact, it has fine grinding for healthy eating.

With Twin Active Inox Technology, it has a special design on its stainless steel blades and carefully grinds each grain, preserving its unmistakable properties. And all this in just 10 seconds!

It has a classic and compact design , the Food Crusher is very simple to use , as it only has 1 control button! No mess and no work , it delivers the best grinding results you could have! It is recommended to crunch meal for all ages.

Various types of grains can be used , such as: linseed, almonds and peanuts, with excellent performance , so you can create endless recipes in a more practical way!


Items included: 1 Food crusher
Voltage: 110V or 220V
17cm x 10.5cm
Silver color

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